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Portfolio Tracking

You send us your loan documents, and we do all the work.

If you or someone in your organization is making decisions about when to sell or refinance based in part on your defeasance cost estimates, why not get the defeasance experts involved and get the most accurate, tailored cost estimate available? Our portfolio tracking service is free and confidential. Best of all, it has all of the benefits of being a registered account user with one huge difference: We do all the work for you.

Contact us about Portfolio Tracking

Key Benefits

Instead of combing through piles of notes and mortgage and loan agreements looking for payment terms and hoping you entered everything correctly into the calculator, let our professionals:


Structure an actual securities portfolio


Analyze your loan documents

Piggy bank

Scour your loan documents for cost savings

Not ready to sell or refinance? No problem.

Even if you have a large portfolio and no intention of selling or refinancing for years, we're happy to do the leg work now and look forward to an opportunity to get to know you.

We'll be here when you're ready to defease. In the mean time, let us build a relationship with you and be a valued resource for you and your organization.


Unbiased advice. Unsurpassed expertise.
Unbelievable customer service.

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