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Privacy Policy

This statement sets forth Commercial Defeasance's Privacy Policy regarding this website and describes our practices and procedures with respect to all visitors to this site.

Information Collected

Commercial Defeasance collects certain commercial information from users of this site through the registration process or through use of the Defeasance Calculator. Users of this website are requested to provide limited identifying commercial information in exchange for access to saved cost estimates, including contact and registration information in order to access these cost estimates at a later date. Commercial Defeasance does not sell or rent personal information about users of this website to third parties with whom we have no business relationship. Commercial Defeasance may share contact information with its strategic partners and affiliates to enable them to provide you with special benefits, promotions or offers from either Commercial Defeasance or such strategic partners or affiliates. Your profile information in the registration form may be used by Commercial Defeasance to create personalized content, services and advertising on the Commercial Defeasance website. Commercial Defeasance may also profile your web site activity in order to accurately track your movement across the Internet and provide you with Commercial Defeasance’s services. If we receive a Do Not Track signal from your web browser, or other mechanism aimed at allowing Internet users to express a preference regarding the collection of personally identifiable information with respect to your online activities on and across third-party websites, we do not specifically respond to it. While we respect all laws regarding "Do Not Track," we, like many commercial website owners, use conversion pixels to track activity that occurs on our website so that we can better tailor our website and our products to the needs of our customers and potential customer. Our practices in this regard are lawful and a common part of what makes the Internet convenient and easy for consumers to use.

Commercial Defeasance may also compile data in aggregate form so we may better understand the users that are visiting our site. For example, we may produce reports on the most popular search terms by collecting general search term data based on individual searches. Aggregate data is anonymous and does not contain any personal information that identifies a user.

Payment Information

Commercial Defeasance does not store any credit card information on its servers or systems. Any credit card numbers, expiration dates and CVV numbers you enter on our website are handled in compliance with Payment Card Industry standards.


Commercial Defeasance, LLC has a number of operational functions in place to protect identifying information collected through this website. However, perfect security on the Internet does not exist, and Commercial Defeasance, LLC does not warrant that its site or any data it collects or stores is impenetrable or invulnerable to breach.


Commercial Defeasance, LLC does not rent or sell email lists. Commercial Defeasance, LLC may send you email to notify you about updates pertaining to the website and/or the defeasance industry. Such information will be sent to the email address you provide to Commercial Defeasance, LLC.


Please be aware that the Commercial Defeasance website may contain links to other sites that are covered by their own privacy policy. Commercial Defeasance is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites, and we encourage our users to be cognizant of this when they leave our site.

Future Changes

We reserve the right to change our online privacy policy. However, we will not do so without posting those changes on the Commercial Defeasance website, and such changes will be effective on a going forward basis only (i.e., not retroactively). If you have any questions about Commercial Defeasance’s privacy policy or concerns about personal information you have supplied to Commercial Defeasance, please contact customer service at 704-248-2600 or call 1-800-624-4779.

This Privacy Policy’s effective date is August 5, 2014.